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Wieland Wetland

Wieland Wetland, Location Map

Access  - Open from dawn until dusk

 - Wieland Wetland Location Map

 - South Campus, farms area, west of College Rd. north side of Power Line Dr.

 - Entrance Points - map

> There are no formal entrances


 - Wieland Wetland Location Map

 - Farm Contact to be determined

 - Follow the instructions of the Farm Contact for parking


 - 1 acres

 - Wooded with silver maple, bur oak, and black and white ash

 - Natural Area traversed by a ditch which widens to a pond at the south end

Publications & Reports

 - Colunga-Garcia, M. (1996). Interactions between landscape structure and ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in field crop agroecosystems. Michigan State University.

Wieland Wetland was once a one acre American elm stand. Up until the late 1970s, the ground layer was also dominated by quack grass, reed canary grass, and other persistent native herbaceous species.