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Lott South Woodland
Lott South Woodland was originally called Sandhill Woodlot.
Open from dawn until dusk.
Publications & Reports
Cook, J. L. (2004). Disease, pollinator, and resource limitation influences on the reproductive biology and growing season of Arisaema triphyllum, Jack-in-the-Pulpit. Michigan State University.
Dodge, S. L. (1984). Soil Texture, Glacial Sediments, and Woodlot Species Composition in Northeast Ingham County, Michigan (Biogeography, Plant Geography) (Doctoral dissertation, Michigan State University).
Flanders, R. A. (1971). Temporal associations among woodland plants in southern Michigan. Michigan State University. Department of Botany and Plant Pathology.
Frye, D.M. (1976). A botanical inventory of Sandhill Woodlot, Ingham County, Michigan I. The Vegetation. Michigan Botanist 15:192-204.
Frye, D. M. (1977). A botanical inventory of Sandhill Woodlot, Ingham County [Michigan], III: Phenology study. Michigan Botanist (USA).
Neary, D. G. (1974). Effects of Municipal Wastewater Irrigation on Forest Sites in Southern Michigan. Michigan State University.
Pregitzer, K. S., Kubiske, M. E., Yu, C. K., & Hendrick, R. L. (1997). Relationships among root branch order, carbon, and nitrogen in four temperate species. Oecologia, 111(3), 302-308.
Valasek, D. M. (1972). A botanical inventory of Sandhill Woodlot : With emphasis on phenology and comparative aspects of this and other Central Michigan woodlots. Thesis submitted to Michigan State University. Department of Botany and Plant Pathology.
Woodrum, C. L. (2002). Hydraulic, biomechanical, and anatomical study of xylem from five tree species of Acer. Michigan State University.
Woodrum, C. L., Ewers, F. W., & Telewski, F. W. (2003). Hydraulic, biomechanical, and anatomical interactions of xylem from five species of Acer (Aceraceae). American Journal of Botany, 90(5), 693-699.