Goritz Woodland/Wetland

Goritz Woodland, Location Map


Open from dawn until dusk.


  • Goritz Woodlot/Wetland Location Map
  • South Campus, farms area, west of College Rd., south of Forest Rd.
  • Accessibility is limited due to the natural growth of vegetation and the terrain.
  • Entrance Points - map
  • There are no formal entrances.



  • Area: 10.3 acres
  • Disturbed open canopy forest with a dense undergrowth.
  • Steep north slope in the middle of the woodlot that contains sugar maple, basswood, white oak, and American beech.
  • Abundance of prickly ash clones.
  • Many exotic species, including honeysuckle, privet, multiflora rose, and cotoneaster.
  • Evidence of burning throughout the woodlot.
  • Former pond on the north side.

Publications & Reports

None at this time.