Clever Woodland

Clever Woodland is joined with Elsesser East Woodland. The northwest portion is Clever and the southeast portion is Elsesser East. Clever Woodland was heavily grazed in the 1970s.


Advance permission from Farm Contact required.


  •  Clever Woodland Location Map
  • South Campus, farms area, east of College Rd. between Bennett Rd. and Power Line Dr.
  • Adjoining to Elsesser East Woodland.
  • Accessibility is limited due to the natural growth of vegetation and the terrain.
  • Entrance Points - map
  • There are no formal entrances.


  • Clever Woodland Location Map
  • Contact: Tony Boughton, University Farms Manager; email:; phone: 517-355-0154.
  • Follow the instructions of the Farm Contact for parking.


  • Area: approx. 4.5 acres
  • Diverse herbaceous spring flora
  • Contains a mixed-age stand of sugar maple, beech, red oak, basswood, white ash and a dense understory growth of even-aged young sugar maples.
  • Large colony of squirrel corn in the central part of the woodlot.

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