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Biebesheimer Woodland

Biebesheimer Woodland, Location Map

Access  - Advance permission from Farm Contact required

 - Biebesheimer Woodland Location Map

 - South Campus, farms area,southeast of I96 and US127 interchange, west of College Rd, west of Horticulture Teaching and Research, 3291 College Rd.

 - Accessibility is limited due to the natural growth of vegetation and the terrain

 - Entrance Points - map

> There are no formal entrances


 - Biebesheimer Woodland Location Map

 - Contact: Mitchell Fox, Farm Manager; email:

 - Follow the instructions of the Farm Contact for parking


 - 12.6 acres

 - Diversified all-age stand

 - Contains Sugar maple, beech, white ash, basswood, white oak, red oak, and black cherry

 - Several vernal ponds, including two along the east side

Publications & Reports

 - Cubero, L. D. R., & Downtin, A. (2019). How Adjacent Land Use Affect the Deposition and Transport of Pollutants in Urban Forest?. MSU AGEP Science Today Bulletin Fall 2019, 6.

 - Ward, S. (2024). Biebesheimer Woodland Bio-inventory Report. Michigan State University.