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Beal Pinetum

Beal Pinetum, Location Map

Access  - Open from dawn until dusk

 - Beal Pinetum Location Map

 - Northeast corner of campus, east of Hagadorn Rd., South of Grand River Ave. and Red Ceder River

 - Accessibility is limited due to the natural growth of vegetation and the terrain

 - Entrance Points - map

> There are no formal entrances


 - Beal Pinetum Location Map

 - Public Parking: closest public parking is south of Beal Pinetum at the MSU Community Music School, 4930 Hagadorn Rd., East Lansing, MI, 48823. If you are not a MSU employee, be sure to pay for parking at the Parking Kiosk located at the building.


 - 2.2 acres

 - Plantation of Eastern White Pine planted by Professor W. J. Beal in 1896

 - Contains mixture of silver maple, boxelder, basswood, arborvitae, hemlock, balsam fir, Norway spruce, white spruce, red cedar, and larch

Publications & Reports   - Chhin, S., Chumack, K., Dahl, T., David, E. T., Kurzeja, P., Magruder, M., & Telewski, F. W. (2013). Growth-climate relationships of Pinus strobus in the floodway versus terrace forest along the banks of the Red Cedar River, Michigan. Tree-Ring Research, 69(2), 37-47.

 - Inventory, M. N. F. (2014). Ecological Assessment of the Grand River Avenue Bus Rapid Transit Corridor.

 - Peña, M. (2021). Beal Pinetum Bio-inventory Report. Michigan State University.


Established by Professor W.J. Beal as a forestry test planting in 1896. It is one of the oldest experimental forest plantations in the state. The pines were originally planted on a grid of 10 x 12 feet. In 1903, additional hardwoods and conifers were planted by Dr. Beal north of the pine plantation on a "piece of river bottom one hundred and twenty square rods in extent." Beal described the planting as being a mixture of trees mostly of silver maple, box elder and basswoods with a smaller number of arbor-vitae, balsam fir, hemlock, Norway spruce, white spruce, red cedar, larch and white pine. These were planted on a four foot by four foot grid. Additional information concerning the planting and establishment of this plantation can be found in Professor Beal's annual reports to the Michigan State Board of Agriculture. Copies of these reports are held by the University Archives and Historical Collections (517-355-2330). The Beal Pinetum was added to the Campus Natural and Undeveloped Areas listing in 1995.