Explore | Learn | Inspire

Michigan State University is endowed with a diversity of woodlands and wetlands located on campus properties. These invaluable natural resources include more than 700 acres in 25 distinct sites. These Campus Natural Areas provide important examples of our rich natural heritage and offer significant resources for teaching, research, demonstration and nature appreciation.

Stewardship of the Campus Natural Areas is overseen by the Campus Natural Areas Classroom, Curriculum and Conservation Committee, CNA3C. This advisory group consists of faculty and staff representing an array of disciplines and expertise in natural science and resource management. The CNA3C is responsible for establishing policies and guidelines to preserve Campus Natural Areas for future generations. This includes protecting native biodiversity, sustainable management of resources within the natural areas, and balancing activities proposed for specific natural areas with conservation objectives.

This website developed, managed, and maintained by staff of the WJ Beal Botanical Garden.